Sedimentary rocks exercise

Sedimentary rocks are formed by the accumulation of sediments and through diagenetic processes as you know.

There are two  basic types of sedimentary rocks:

1) Clastic sedimentary rocks

2) Chemical/biochemical sedimentary rocks

Go to this website:

to look at the rocks, but you can just use the search engine to find the answers.

Let's start with the clastic sedimentary rocks:

Breccia: Copy and paste a really good breccia picture here ( just a thumbnail size) and answer the following questions: (to copy a picture here, find the picture, right click on it, choose copy; go back to your paper, right click at the place where you want to put it and choose paste; when the picture is there you can change the size by clicking on the image.)





a. In what kind of environment does breccia form?

c. Why would the grains be angular in the breccia?


Conglomerate: Copy and paste a really good Conglomerate picture here ( just a thumbnail size) and answer the following questions:





a. what kind of environment does conglomerate form?


b. What is the main difference between conglomerate and  breccia?


Sandstone: Copy and paste a really good quartz sandstone and  arkose  picture here   (just a thumbnail size) and answer the following questions:





a. What is the difference between Quartz sandstone and arkose?

b. Do they form in different environment?

c. Quartz sandstone is a mature sedimentary rock. What does this mean?

d. Why sandstone is  useful? In geology, and commercially?


Mudstone, slate: Copy and paste a really good mudstone and shale  picture here   (just a thumbnail size) and answer the following questions:





a. What is the difference between shale and mudstone?

b. What environment they form in??

c. Why are they useful?



Let's move now to the chemical/biochemical sedimentary  rocks


How can you test limestones and separate them from any other rock but one?

Oolitic limestone: Copy and paste a really good oolitic limestone  picture here   (just a thumbnail size; probably picture D is the best.) and answer the following questions:





a. What is oolite?

b. What kind of environment does it form?


Coquina: Copy and paste a really good Coquina   picture here   (just a thumbnail size; probably ) and answer the following questions:





a. What is the meaning of coquina?

b. What kind of environment does it form?

c. List some building built of coquina? (


Fossiliferous limestone: Copy and paste a really good fossiliferous limestone   picture here   (just a thumbnail size; ) and answer the following questions:





a. What kind of environment does it form?

b. List some famous building built of fossiliferous limestone?


Lime mudstone: Copy and paste a really good lime mudstone   picture here   (just a thumbnail size; ) and answer the following questions:






a. What kind of environment does it form?

b. List some famous building built of lime mudstone?


Dolomite also called dolostone: Copy and paste a really good Dolomite   picture here   (just a thumbnail size; ) and answer the following questions:





a. What kind of environment and how does it form?

b. How do we use dolomite?


Cheart: Copy and paste a really good chert  picture here   (just a thumbnail size; ) and answer the following questions:





a. What kind of environment does chert form and how?

b. What are the more common usage of chert?


Evaporites: Copy and paste evaporate such as gypsum, rock salt   picture here   (just a thumbnail size; ) and answer the following questions:





a. What kind of environment do they form?

b. list some of their most important usage of them!


Coal: Copy and paste a really good coal  picture here   (just a thumbnail size; ) and answer the following questions:





a. How does coal form?

b. List a couple type of coal and characterize them.

c. What is a common problem with coal (acid rain) What causes it?




After you finished with looking at the picture, please practice your knowledge on this website:


Pick your sample and try to identify the rocks!